Saturday, April 2, 2011

Revise Me, Baby, One More Time

Or: Saturday is revising again

I have a confession. I have plot issues. They tend to be *cough* slightly weak. On occasion, they're even almost a little bit non-existant. Or at least that's how it feels right now revising my WIP#1 to make the plot stronger.

Yesterday, I spent most of the day rewriting one chapter. I ended up adding about 2500 new words to that one (deleted about a thousand, too) and 150 to another scene. Today, I'm doing more plot-strengthening edits, mostly, but sooner or later, I will do the line-edit type revising. Line edits (for me) include making sure everything's consistent, tightening the voice as much as possible, all that little, time consuming stuff.

It sort of feels like I've been revising forever, but I'm hoping that this will be my last MAJOR round of revision. This round, then a couple betas/crits, then I hope... well, I just hope.

So I want to know what your best revision tips are. My friends Kait and Ashy and I are doing revision parties/wars on twitter. It's kinda like word wars, because competition always makes you more productive (at least with us!) and that's really awesome, but hit me with your best tips, too. :)

(Also, go follow Kait's blog. When she reaches 100 follows, she's going to post a video of her dancing. I suspect it will be humourous.)

So, yeah, this is short, sorry about that, but I really want to get back to my revisions. Leave your tips in the comments!

Peace and cookies,